University of Colorado Boulder

Silicon Flatirons: Regulation in the Wild West of space

Given its vastness and seemingly unlimited potential, it seems a bit silly to think about attempting to tame space with man-made regulations. But as humanity casts its gaze further into the cosmos and fills Earth’s orbit with more satellites, space craft and debris, conversations — like the one organized Monday by Silicon Flatirons — about space policy and the development of an international framework for regulations will likely become more commonplace. 

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CU Anschutz

Frontiers of science

Colorado’s top universities have contributed to the state’s life-sciences cluster by churning out new life sciences companies based on related research and attracting companies to the area that want to take advantage of the research. Here’s a snapshot of the different types of life-sciences research going on at the state’s premier research institutions.

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A climate of collaboration

If you are studying anything from molecules in the clouds to methane emissions from soils and landfills — and everything in between that affects the Earth’s climate — the opportunities for research in Colorado span the Front Range all the way north to Wyoming.

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CSU E-Days Drone

Flying high

Colorado’s aerospace industry is a major economic engine in the state, fueled by top research universities and several federal laboratories that have a presence here. 

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CU Quantum Lab

‘Game changer’

Quantum-technology research efforts in Colorado received a major shot in the arm this summer thanks to a massive funding boost from the U.S. Department Of Commerce’s Tech Hub program. 

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